
If you’re not sure where to get started – our packages are for you. They’re designed as off-the-shelf solutions to get your Employer Branding up and running.

Choose a package that's right for you

  • Research
  • Social Posts
  • 3 Weeks
Let's chat
  • Video & Photo Shoots
  • 2min Lead Video
  • 3x 15-30s Sting Videos
  • All Raw Photos
  • 50 Edited Photod
  • 8 Weeks
  • Website audit and overhaul
  • Sticky content i.e. blog posts, social feeds, UI transition, digital easter eggs
  • 9 weeks
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At a glance
  • Research
  • Social Posts
  • 3 weeks
  • $$$
What is it for?
This package is for you if you’re struggling to clearly define your Employer Value Proposition to your audience. This can lead to an inconsistent social media presence, making reaching your target audience that much harder. 

There are two key steps to fix this, which are included in our Inkling Package:
1. Research
  • A deep dive into your existing EVP and/or Employer Brand, with additional social listening and desktop research to really define your key problems and objectives.
  • A summary of findings report will be provided based on this research.
2. Social Posts
  • 6 static social posts for your key channels (including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) to help you recruit efficiently and effectively.
Let's chat


At a glance
  • Video and photo shoots
  • 2min lead video
  • 3x 15-30s sting videos
  • All raw photos
  • 50 edited photos
  • 8 weeks
  • $$$
What's it for?
This package is for you if you need to showcase your organization’s personality and culture to attract and retain employees. The assets produced in this package can be used across your careers page, social platforms, and even internal comms to bring your Employer Brand to life. 

Here’s a closer look at what’s included in our Fish Bowl Package:
1. Video
  • Pre-production planning, shoot, and post production for all video assets.
  • 2min lead video to showcase your Employer Brand in detail and express your culture and personality.
  • Three 15-30s ‘stings’ that can be used on social media to grab attention and drive engagement.
2. Photo
  • Access to all raw photos from the photo shoot.
  • 50 fully edited images that are ready to use. 
Let's chat


At a glance
  • Website audit and overhaul
  • Sticky content i.e. blog posts, social feeds, UI transition, digital easter eggs
  • 9 weeks
  • $$$
What's it for?
This package is for you if your careers website needs a refresh. Maybe it’s lacking personality, or the layout is confusing your users – whatever the issue, we’ll find it and create a brand new website to fix it. 

Here’s a closer look at what’s included in our Think Tank Package:
1. Website audit
  • Finding key insights for optimizing your current website to increase traffic and engagement.
  • General performance analytics, current user flows and baseline competitor benchmarking.
2. Sticky content for web
  • This is web content that is designed to intrigue users and make them spend more time on your website. This could include things like blog posts, social feeds, UI transition, and digital easter eggs.
3. New careers site
  • We’ll create a full creative vision for your site and provide a seamless execution. This includes a full web layout (in the form of a wireframe), and fresh visuals and copy.
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